"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

If I am still blogging at the age of 95...

Have you heard of this?! The 95 year old blogging grandma from Spain? Unless you can read Spanish you won't be able to actually read the blog but I dug up this article from the Boston Globe from 2007 that tells all about how she got in to blogging at the ripe young age of 95!!! I never would have heard of her had her obituary not been in the news today. Sadly, she passed away last week, at the age of 97 (which I suppose is a fact that should be celebrated since she lived such a good long life!), but in the two short years she has been blogging, her blog has amassed almost 2,000,000 hits. It is like she is the Pioneer Woman of Spain! Her grandson set up the blog for her after she became intrigued by his computer use. She used it to chronicle her past and all that she has seen and experienced and ruminate on the present.

What a hoot, huh?!? I would love to read some of her entries! I think I will use one of the translation sites online to check out a few.

I seriously don't know if I can still picture myself blogging at 97......


Anonymous said...

I love it!

Google and Live Search have tranlation accelerators that will translate most blogs. I'd love to read her blog as well.

Terri Steffes said...

I can see you blogging at 95 with all kinds of wonderful things to say!