Ho-hum. Monday. Another work week (oh joy...), and, uh, seriously, May?! Where ya going? Next Monday is Memorial Day. Memorial Day people! As in, the unofficial start of summer. As in pretty soon New England will be choked in thick, nasty humidity and I will be a crabby bitch till October! Well, I am going to try not to be too crabby. And I will certainly rejoice when we have those glorious days in the 70's with the super low dew point. And I will try not to wish away summer because really, summer in New England is a wonderful time of year. There is lots to savor and enjoy: maritime festivals, fresh seafood enjoyed in the rough at a seaside lobster pound, beautiful beaches, cool mountains, strawberry and blueberry picking, fireworks, boating, clambakes, mini-golf, homemade ice cream....yes, summer in New England is quite nice.
So, another nice thing about summer....garden fresh veggies and herbs! And this year, God help us, Kevin and I are going to attempt to grow our own little garden!

For herbs I am doing basil (one can never have enough fresh basil!), dill, parsley, thyme, rosemary, and oregano.
And then when I do all this I am going to get crafty and make some cute little garden stakes to mark off where each thing is.
Oh boy am I getting myself in deep shit promising all this!!!!!!!
In other random news, I went up to NH to CKC on Saturday to shop for more paper crafting stuff that I don't need since I could open a small store in my house!!! I can't help it though! That stuff is my crack and I am definitely an addict! I did get this really cute, vintage-y, rustic-y looking minibook kit from a company called The Button Farm in a sports theme. I am going to use it to document my nephew's first year of t-ball. I am going to print some of the best pictures I get of him in either black & white or sepia. I am pretty stoked about it!
Some new favorite things I have come across this past week:
* Pledge Fabric Sweeper for Pet Hair. This little thing ROCKS! We have a microfiber couch that we do allow Bailey to sit on and he sheds like crazy. This things picks up every last hair!
* This one is for my sista Staci.....check out this SNL clip: Gas Right Ass Strips
(just a fair warning: unless you have the sense of humor of a teenage boy, like Staci and I tend to, you probably won't want to bother watching this...)
* And again, one more SNL clip, that again, probably only Staci will find funny: Mother Lover
(If you have seen the "Dick In A Box" skit with Justin Timberlake you will get this...)
Sooo, I think that is about all the Monday randomness I can think of. Gotta finish dinner and then I have some work to do.
LOL! That was too funny!
I'm so excited that your gonna plant a garden. It'll be great! YAY!
You crack me up. The garden will be cool. I wonder if you will even eat your first produce. You'll probably find a way to scrap it!
We just planted our little garden over the weekend! I love looking at it and waiting for the little sprouts to pop up!
I just realized it was going to be Memorial Day too. Snuck up on me....
Off to go watch the videos!
Have a great day!
YAY Kristen! You were my second commenter this mornng! Please email me your name and address!
connieweiss AT mac DOT com
Hi - visiting from SITS. Hope your herbs turn out great!! I LOVED the mother lover skit. Susan Sarandon looked so good!
Bwahahahahaha!!!! I'm lovin the butt-right strips!!! I know a few butts that need these things!
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