"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Monday, June 02, 2008

~* Sense-Sational Sunday *~ (the "Ooops! It's Monday" version)

(I totally forgot to post here yesterday but I did remember to post on GLU, so I am copying the list here.)

I see.......bright sunshine still, lots and lots of dirt on me, Kevin still working hard, and Bailey snoozing in the sun!

I hear.....those dang birds!!! :o Actually I am getting used to them but still. I also hear the warm gentle breeze rustling through the trees. And I occasionally I hear motorcycles going down the main street. If that's your thing it is a great day for a ride!

I feel.....sore but still raring to go for some reason! I again accomplished a lot today but I feel like I should be doing more....and I am ready for it!!!

I taste.....the Crystal Light lemonade I just drank, and soon I will be tasting a yummy grilled steak and grilled corn on the cob!!!

I touch....dirt, laundry, dirt, the broom, dirt, the blower, dirt, clumps of dog hair from brushing Bailey, dirt...um, yeah, did I mention dirt?!?!?

I smell....flowers!!! Lots of flowers!!! And fresh cut grass!!! And dirt.

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