1. Where is your cell phone? TOTE
2. Where is your significant other? DININGROOM (Yeah I made it one word!)
3. Your hair? LONG
4. Your mother? ROCKS
5. Your father? DITTO
6. Your favorite thing? PAPER
7. Your dream last night? WEIRD
8. Your dream/goal? COMFORT
9. The room your in? KITCHEN
10. Your hobby? CRAFTS
11. Your fear? LOSS
12. Where do you want to be in six years? AUSTRALIA
13. Where were you last night? HOME
14. What you're not? MEAN
15. One of your wish list items? PROSPERITY
16. Where you grew up? PEABODY
17. The last thing you did? DINNER
18. What are you wearing? PAJAMAS
19. Your TV? OFF
20. Your pet? BAILEY
21. Your computer? MACBOOK
22. Your mood? FLUSTERED
23. Missing someone? YES
24. Your car? RUNS
25. Something you're not wearing? BRA
26. Favorite store? CRAFT
27. Your summer? HUMID
28. Love someone? YES
29. Your favorite color? RED
30. When is the last time you laughed? TODAY
31. Last time you cried? TODAY
You're right, that's exactly what I thought! And it is STILL what I think, but I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, cuz that's just how I roll.....
Love you muchly!
Sometimes you just gotta let them puppies breathe!
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