"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

~*~ FALL IS HERE!!! ~*~

Yes it is! YES IT IS! Don't even try to argue with me and tell me it is still summer because it is NOT! It is September 1st......FALL is here!!!*

The acorns are on the ground! 

The boughs of the apple trees have grown heavy with ripening fruit!

There are even early pumpkins in the store at the farm!

And one of MY most favorite signs that fall is here.......

.....is an actual sign! When this sign pops up on the barn at Brooksby Farm announcing the date of the Peabody Historical Society's annual holiday craft fair then I *KNOW* my favorite season has begun!

It's the most wonderful time of the year, folks! I have even started filling up this year's fall journal. I will post some in-progress pics soon.

*Ask any meteorologist and they will tell you that today is at least the first day of meteorological fall...


Kathleen said...

OK, I'm thinking cider, leaves, pumkins, Halloween......all the while I am sweating bullets in this miserable, suffocating, thick, heat and humidity. (I think I can, I think I can) :)
Hugs & Heat, Kathleen

Amy said...

YAY!! I'm with you Kristen!! :)

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Yippee!! I love these photographs! I just autumn-fied my blog last night... go check it out! :) ♥

Alyson | New England Living said...

YES!!!! No better time of the year! :))

Tammy said...

Girl, you need to figure out how to make some danglies for your Fall journal out of these! Do you know anyone with a Dremmel drill?

Tanya said...

How is that craft fair? Is it good? I want to go, but need to go early as I have a fundraiser that evening.